Ksharakarma is a specific treatment modality in Ayurveda. Plants rich in kshara guna (Alkaline Properties) are selected. Then through a series of procedures, kshara from the plant is extracted under strict sterile condition.
Ksharakarma has tremendous scope in Ano- Rectal Wing, outgrowths of the body like wart, corn, non-healing ulcer and so on. Ksharakarma gives almost on-table results with no complications in majority of cases. Few require repeated sittings. Ksharakarma has nullified many surgical operative cases with its results.
Among the treatment options for Fistula- In-Ano, the promising name/only treatment option is ksharasutra. Non-operative mode of drug delivery, where kshara coated/medicated thread is passed through the track, changed periodically till healing.