Name of doctor’s: Dr. Lakshmi Pai, Associate Prof, Dr. Shabi P . H, Asst. Prof.
Date & Venue: 15.10.2023, Jarigekatte
Topic & Event: Free Medical Camp
Sponsored by: Sri Satya Sai Seva Samiti
The regular free medical camp with health check-up was conducted at Jarigekatte on 15.10.2023. Two specialized doctors, Dr. Lakshmi Pai, Associate Prof, Dr. Shabi P. H, Asst. Prof 2 PG scholars 06 internship students were leading the camp. Inauguration was done at 10 am by lighting the lamp. This camp provided necessary medicines and health care for the patients who attended. Appropriate services were rendered to everyone by specialized doctors. Total of 14 patients attended the camp and it was successful.